Practice Objectives
  • Demonstrate the ability to identify the parts of a division problem
  • Demonstrate the ability to perform division with single-digit divisors
  • Demonstrate the ability to perform division with zero and one

Practice Properties of Division


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Identifying the Parts of a Division Problem:

  1. The dividend is the leftmost number in the division problem
    • The dividend occurs to the left of the "÷" symbol
  2. The divisor is the rightmost number in the division problem
    • The divisor occurs to the right of the "÷" symbol
  3. The quotient is the result of the division operation

Division with Zero and One

  • Dividing by 1 leaves any number unchanged
  • Dividing any nonzero number by itself always results in 1
  • Division by 0 is undefined
  • 0 divided by any nonzero number is always zero

Performing Division with a Single-Digit Divisor

  1. Use a related multiplication statement
    • What number multiplied by the divisor gives the dividend
  2. Use repeated subtraction
    • We can repeatedly subtract away the divisor from the dividend
    • The quotient is the number of times we can perform the subtraction until the result is 0


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