Practice Objectives
- Demonstrate the ability to divide a whole number by a decimal
- Demonstrate the ability to divide a decimal by a whole number
- Demonstrate the ability to divide a decimal by a decimal
- Demonstrate the ability to divide whole numbers with a remainder
- Demonstrate the ability to divide a decimal by a power of 10
Practice Dividing Decimals
Answer 7/10 questions correctly to pass.
Find each quotient.
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Dividing a Decimal by a Whole Number:
- Set up the long division normally
- Place the decimal point from the dividend directly above into the answer
- Divide normally
- Zeros may be written to the right of the decimal point after the final non-zero digit when needed
Dividing a Decimal by a Decimal:
- Move the decimal point in the divisor by enough places right such that it becomes a whole number
- Match this movement in the dividend
- Set up the long division normally
- Place the decimal point from the dividend directly above into the answer
- Divide normally
- Zeros may be written to the right of the decimal point after the final non-zero digit when needed
Dividing Whole Numbers with a Remainder:
- Set up the long division normally
- Place a visible decimal point after the final digit of the dividend
- Place the decimal point from the dividend directly above into the answer
- Divide normally
- Zeros will be written to the right of the decimal point as needed
Evaluating 10 Raised to a Natural Number
- Write a 1
- Write the exponent number of zeros after the 1
Dividing Decimals by a Power of 10:
- Move the decimal point one place to the left for each zero in the power of 10
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